Make Money Blogging (How We Built a $100,000/Month Blog) 10 Simple Steps: make money to blogging

 here's what we made our first year blogging here's how we made our second year blogging and here's what we made

our third year blogging safe to say learning how to make money blogging changed lauren and i's life forever but

it's not just us we've been able to help people like faith hawks go from zero dollars and no blog to making over five

thousand dollars per month blogging and being able to quit her job to help people fight with anxiety and depression

students like amira law who made over 3 700 her first three months blogging and now makes over ten thousand dollars a

month with her legal blog and if you pay close attention this video and stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how

they do it all for free right meow i'm sorry are you saying yeah

am i saying meow step number one start your blog the right way just like a home needs a great foundation so does your

blog we do this in three easy steps first we choose the right blog niche the first question most people have when

blogging is what the hell do i blog about most people end up overthinking this process the mistake most people

make is when they start out they start trying to like soul search for their passion or go on some yoga zen

meditation retreat to find enlightenment and find their purpose but the truth is this is kind of the opposite of what you

need to do because when finding your purpose or finding your passion it happens through taking action and

getting feedback from the action that you're taking so i'd start your blog about something that you either have experience in or something that you want

to learn about lauren and i started our health and wellness blog that made over 10 grand a month before we started

creating go because we loved health and wellness she was a vegan i was a personal trainer itwas just part of our mo another way to think about this is what topic or subject do you bring up all the time

with your friends and family like the one that you bring up over thanksgiving and christmas and during the holidays

and i'm like ah he's talking about dogs again and different dog breeds and the different subsections of dog breeds i

wish you'd shut up shut up

i beg your pardon shut up like that's a good topic for you to talk about on your blog so choose a blog niche and a topic

that you are either interested in learning about are something that you kind of already know about the next step is to select your domain name so the

domain name is another word for url and the url of youtube is again

this is another place where most people spend a lot of time overthinking our first blog was that name

honestly is kind of weird uh most people don't know how to spell avocado go ahead and try uh and then it's with a you

unless your fam friends and family kind of forget it because it's kind of easily forgettable

it's four syllables but again that blog made over 15 grand per month and still makes us 15 grand per month to this day

almost automatically on autopilot so your name really doesn't matter when it comes to a business and blogging you'd

be surprised by how little names actually mean samsung could be a local music store avis could be a place where

you bought drones on the internet and spacex could be a website dedicated solely to astronaut porn the thing that

defines these businesses is not their name per se it's what they do so don't overthink it you don't have to come up

with some perfectly clever name to succeed as a blogger i promise finally you want to set up your blog with the

right hosting and the right platform and by far the best place for you to get started is wordpress now i know there are some other options out there like

wix and squarespace but the problem with those is those websites are more geared to standalone stagnant websites so

something like a personal portfolio or a resume they're really not that great when it comes to getting continuous blog

traffic coming in over time to your blog and having continually updated posts they're just not optimized for that

what's going to end up happening if you start with the squarespace rwx is you're going to end up going back to wordpress anyway so just start there i understand

that wordpress has kind of a higher learning curve for most people but trust me when i say this it is worth learning

i also have a link in the description for those wanting to learn how to start a blog and make money the right way it's

a free 7-day e-course it walks you through the process of starting a blog from scratch the right way and building

it and designing it and doing all that stuff again the link will be in the description uh whenever you're ready to take it step number two make your blog

sexy through blog design let's walk through some simple steps to make your blog clean and beautiful first you want

to choose a great blog theme choosing the right blog theme is like choosing the right or wrong car at a used car

dealership you choose the wrong car you're going to spend hours and headaches on the car breaking down and

on maintenance on fixing everything it's going to be a constant hassle in your life versus if you choose the right car

and you never have any problems with it you're going to feel great right now the best free themes out there are flash

blog ocean wp and hestia while some of the best paid themes are divi and

genesis and don't forget to install the elementor plugin because it's a great page builder that's a perfect drag and

drop for a newbie wanting to get started and building their blog and making it look the way that you want to oh yeah

another important part about blog design is optimizing it for mobile over 60 to 70 percent of visitors on the internet

these days are visiting through their phones so some things might look amazing on your desktop it might look really

good there will actually look like [ __ ] on a phone so always check your work and choose an easy to read font like a latto

or an open sans or a roboto because ain't nobody got time to read that cute but illegible.

started your blog and got a design like you want to let's move on to step three create the content people need it's time

to answer the million dollar question of what should i write about well this is actually a rather simple answer if your

goal is to make money you need to create the content that other people are searching for on the internet every day

millions of people type in searches into google pinterest youtube when looking for videos and articles and blog posts

trying to solve their problems if you're able to serve that content to them the best and get to the top of those search

engines well it's very easy to make money online okay it's not super easy but it's a lot easier than you think

here's how you do this first you start doing keyword research see there's all sorts of tools on the internet to see

how often people are typing in certain terms so we can see that people look for how to make money blogging over 135 000

times per month and that's exactly why i'm making this video start with a tool like keywords everywhere it's a

completely free chrome extension that you can install and type in anywhere you type into a search bar you will be able

to see the volume of that search term being looked at another great free tool that most people often under use is

pinterest type in your topic into the search bar and hit enter after the page loads if you look to the right you will

see all sorts of additional suggestions these are keywords people are looking for as well and using this method will

help you come up with endless topics that you can cover on your blog or website after using these tools for a

while you can upgrade to more professional tools like sem rush and google's keyword planner which will give

you more accurate search data now this doesn't mean you only have to post things that people are searching for

there's room to create your own sort of unique content when making money blogging you just need to follow the 80

20 rule 80 of the content that you create should be that things that people are searching for and problems that

they're trying to solve and 20 should be uh where you flex on them a little bit and tell them a little bit more about

you and and blog about the things that you want to write about okay so after your first five posts are written it's

time to move on to step number five and time to get traffic to your blog there are lots of ways to get readers to your

blog there's pinterest facebook google seo youtube instagram guest blogging email drips forums snapchat and i'm sure

a dozen more that i haven't listed there the biggest tip that i can give you right off the bat is to start with one

traffic source i know there are lots of entrepreneurs like gary vaynerchuk telling you that you need to be

everywhere and be on every social media and be on every platform but the truth is is as kind of a one-man show what

ends up happening with most people is when they try to be everywhere they usually end up just sucking at everything that's why we tell our

followers to try to instead of sucking at everything master one are two of these things are like red foreman said

don't half-ass everything whole ass one thing keep up with a smart mouth and my foot will be nine tenths of the way up

your ass so the next question you should probably have is how do i find the perfect traffic source for my blog there

are tons of different factors to consider here including competition type of platform demographics of your target

market and more so to make this simple here are my thoughts on the top 5 traffic sources facebook facebook has

the most users of really any social platform but it also comes with the highest competition and facebook has

recently made algorithmic changes that really doesn't feature blog posts anymore it's very few and far between

that you'll read blogs much more the content is geared towards memes and video content and things that just

aren't blog posts facebook groups however are still going very strong and it's actually a great place to meet my

like-minded bloggers but it might not be the best source for driving traffic to your website but that being said i

wouldn't write it out because those groups can be so valuable especially to beginners starting off we have a group

called the honest bloggers community as well so feel free to check it out in the description to find these groups you can

just type in your search term into facebook search bar and hit click groups and you'll see dozens and dozens of

groups on almost any topic again not the best way to drive traffic to your blog but a great way to interact with

potential customers and peers and people you look up to in your industry

instagram you'll find that instagram follows a similar trajectory as facebook where it has a high amount of users but

it also has a high amount of competition and the thing is it is a purely visual platform yeah you can write captions in

the description but really if you're not creating dope images you're not going to get anywhere on instagram so the niches

you want to be in to succeed on instagram are going to be mainly visual things like travel health and fashion

work really well because they're visually stimulating unfortunately and something to keep in mind it's kind of stupidly hard to get people off of

instagram and onto your email list or onto your blog post or over to your products people tend to stay inside of

the app and instagram has designed it that way that being said we've had students like the college nutritionist

uh go to ten thousand dollars per month and more uh running a successful instagram so it can be done google

google is similar to facebook and instagram that has high competition but it comes with one big difference and

that difference is that it's a search platform so the people that type in how to make money blogging for example will

continue to type that in month after month after month and you will get organic traffic coming in all the time

this is very different than instagram or facebook where things are more viral in nature and then they die off over time

so facebook and instagram you kind of have this constant need to roll out this new crazy mind-blowing content when on

something like google you can optimize your posts and continue to be shown over and over and over again sucking in that

organic traffic but obviously because of this value it's very hard to get the top of search it can take a long time to do

and just be prepared that it is the route that you want to go on you need to go in for the long haul it might take

you up to six months to get serious traffic to your blog youtube youtube is a entirely completely different animal

than them all it is the highest barrier to entry by far because most people do

not want to get on camera and i understand why this barrier to entry provides actually an easy way to connect

with your audience build a following and drive them back to your blog and make

purchases with them but again it comes with a high buried entry because shooting videos is difficult and very time consuming so if you're

extraordinarily good looking are just are like me and don't mind being on camera youtube might be a great option

for you pinterest last but not least our favorite traffic source for bloggers is pinterest pinterest like youtube and

google is also a search engine so there's that opportunity for organic traffic but unlike google it doesn't

take as long to get results we've had tons of people take our pinterest traffic avalanches course and go from

zero views to over 20 000 views a month on their blogs because of its speed of results and the fact that you can get

organic traffic pinterest does end up being our number one traffic source for bloggers if you're in almost any niche i

would definitely give pinterest a try all right so you've built your blog you've designed it you've started to get your first readers your first visitors

checking out the content that they want to see now it's time to turn those readers into raving fans step number

five build a subscriber fan club i remember the look of contempt lauren gave me when i told her that we were

going to need to collect emails because she had always thought of emails and the inbox is just some terrible thing that

she never wanted to do because all she got was spam all the time but here's the truth about blogging is that most people are never going to buy your products

until they've built up a certain level of trust with you and the best place to build that trust is through an email

list we've tracked the data on click meter and we can clearly see that our email list provides us much better

purchase rates than just linking our products on our blog an email list is one of the most valuable assets you have

as a blogger and setting it up is not as hard as you think the basic formula is that you first create a lead magnet this

is just a simple download for people to have a checklist or a simple guide will work you'll want to create a small but

helpful download for people so that they can give that you can give that to them in exchange for their email address then

you need to add these opt-ins to your blog with a email subscriber service like a convertkit this is actually a

very easy process to do this way when people are scrolling through your posts they see the opportunity to put it get

your download they put in their email address and receive the download and finally what you'll want to do is create

an automated email sequence this is just an automated sequence of emails that you send after somebody gets your download

these are called often an indoctrination campaign it's more like a get to know you thing where you're kind of helping

them out with whatever problem that they're trying to solve at the same time sort of explaining a little bit about

more about you about what you're about about why you created your blog again all designed to build that trust and

turn that subscriber into a really true fan great now your blog is all set up it's beautifully designed you're getting

people in the door you're getting your first few subscribers now it's time to make that money chase that paper get

those dollar bills get that skrilla sorry what are your superpowers again

i'm rich okay step number six we're going to learn the different types of ways to make money and they're really five of them what we're going to do now

is we're going to go over an overview of these different ways and then we're going to walk you through which steps you should start with at kind of what

phases of your blogging journey the first way to make money is through ads now there are a few different types the

first that you probably know about are display ads these are ads that are uh you're scrolling through content and

then you'll see an ad for something or like right before this youtube video i'm sure there was a display ad another term

for this is pay per click because when somebody clicks on it you get paid the second type of ad is something called

sponsored content this is when somebody like a big company pays you uh to write

a review or write something about their product the third type of ad is a giveaway this is very similar to

sponsored content but instead of the company paying you they give you their product for free okay the second way

that you can make money through your blog is through affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is where you earn money promoting another person's product

or service so let's say you write a post about your top five favorite books on whatever your topic your blog is about

what you can do is you can actually link those books in the blog post themselves and link them to amazon when somebody

clicks and checks out that book and says and says okay that looks awesome i'm gonna buy it like the like the reviews

you know four and a half stars looks good to me when they buy that product then you will get a small commission

from amazon and that is kind of affiliate marketing now affiliate marketing is a huge category and you can

make a lot of money on it and i'll go over that in the next section but just so you know it's when you sell other people's products or services uh through

links on your blog number three is when you sell your own digital products now this is how lauren and i make well over

a hundred thousand dollars per month blogging is that we sell our own digital products and services there are a few

different kinds first are ebooks these are electronic books like kindle downloads there are printables and

workbooks where people can purchase a printable that you've created and print them out and use it for themselves

something like a journal or a workbook before you make fun of that or think anything sarcastic about it i do k

blogger who makes over 200 grand per month selling printables mind blogging

online courses so online teachings and trainings that where you can teach them via video and finally there are

membership websites where people pay a certain amount to get it.

thanks to read this blog.
