New Galaxy Book Flex ALPHA by Samsung : best leptop for buy/ recomended leptop


New Galay Book Flex ALPHA by Samsung [The Affordable Cousin

what you're looking at here is the 

Samsung Galaxy book flex alpha and we

the Flex lineup was highly anticipate

almost nobody's talking about the Alpha

so this is a full review of this 13.3

inch laptop which is selling for

hundreds of dollars less than its cousin

the galaxy book flex now on paper this

has very impressive specs so how did

Samsung manage to make this for hundreds

of dollars less and is it a better buy

than the Galaxy book flex.

so in this video I want to dive in and

actually test this out and show you guys

how well this actually performs

including webcam test speaker tests and

everything else you'll probably want to

know before considering buying this

laptop and so right off the bat I

actually bought this with my own money

because it's a laptop I'm interested in

using myself I think it's a pretty

impressive laptop but we'll find out in

this video if it's actually as good as

samsung claims it to be and and so let's

start off with a physical tour of this

laptop just to see what we're working

with here

and so starting off on the right side we

have this small little groove that's

actually on the right and left side I

believe it doesn't do anything I think

it's just aesthetic then we have a small

power button we have a microSD slot then

we have two USB 3.0 ports you can tell

because they have blue on the inside and

on the left side we have a headphone

jack which is nice to have it doubles as

a microphone jack as well we have a USB

type-c more on that in a second we have

HDMI and then we have our power port

this laptop has an all aluminum body

with boxy corners and gem cut edges to

give it a really nice premium feel and

when looking at the screen it's a key

LED display that's thirteen point three

inches displaying in 1080p and on top of

that it's a touch screen with more than

a 1 billion colors that gets up to 600

nits now that's a lot of specs right

there but basically what it means is

you're not dealing with a 4k screen here

but you're dealing with a really great

color really great brightness and a very

responsive touch screen let's look at

the inside of this laptop if we open it

up you'll see that first of all it folds

all the way back into a tablet it's

pretty common a lot of laptops have that

hinge style these days but I find that 

the really slim bezels on here make it a

relatively usable tablet I know some of

the other ones like a 15 or 17 inch.

laptop would make really no sense to me

to use as a tablet because it's just

absolutely massive unless you're doing

like drawing and stuff like that but if

you're just like going to a meeting and

you want to hold it and like draw with

your finger this is actually a pretty

reasonable size for a tablet it's also

reasonably light coming in at about two

and a half pounds and the thickness is

only 0.55 inches so definitely very

travel friendly as well now looking at

the keyboard we have some interesting

things on here besides just a regular

keyboard including this giant blue

button on the right side that I'll talk


 a second and so the keyboard in

itself I think it's a relatively decent

keyboard I know some people like really

big mechanical clicky keys this is

definitely more on the side of light

quiet keys which I think kind of fits

the mo of this product it's supposed to

be light for travel if you're on an

airplane you don't to be clicking really

loud you want to have like some nice

quiet typing which this keyboard

definitely enables you to do and on top

of that it does have vac lighting the

backlighting on these keys works in a

dark setting but in a brighter

environment you'll see that it's

definitely not the most even lighting

but you know for the most part it does

the job now talking about the keys

across the top we have some really cool

functions that Samsung makes this

Windows laptop feel kind of like you

know you can tell it's made by Samsung

they have some cool features that they

snuck in there alongside what Windows

already has and so looking across the

top the first one f1 is going to be your

settings and it brings up your Samsung

settings and you have some cool things

like going into silent mode and things

like that depending on where your

environment is then we have volume down

volume up we have of course the the

sharing your screen you can turn the

trackpad off mute volume down volume up

all of those are pretty standard then we

have the backlight of the keys and you

can change it from 0 to 30% to 60% and

up to 100% so having different levels I

find it's very useful if you're in a

really dark environment sometimes it's

nice to not have the keys at 100%

brightness to the right of that is

actually a really cool feature that is

specific to this laptop and it's

something that really makes this laptop

stand out so they talked a lot about the

Q LED display on all the advertisements

for this and really the benefit here is

the colors are better and it's a

brighter laptop than a lot of other LED

displays and so when I say it's brighter

if you just turn the brightness up it

doesn't really get necessarily that much

brighter until you press this button

right here the f10 key which brings it

into kind of like an overdrive mode it

makes it very very bright that it's

easier to see outside as you can see

right here even in broad daylight

I'm completely able to see the laptop

and work on it more so than I am pretty

much any other laptop I'm typically used

to using then the f11 key is a really

nice security benefit of this laptop

where you can disable the webcam so

instead of putting a piece of tape on

the top you can just press that and

it'll turn off the webcam
